
Sunday 6 October 2013

The Sights to See

Isaiah 26:4
Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord himself, is the Rock eternal.
Beauty is in the eye of the Bee-holder: I've always loved animals and God's creation, here's some close up of bees. They're pretty spectacular!

Isaiah's upcoming mission trip: This is an encouraging article. "I’ve watched as nurses took blood samples to the words of“He who has the Son has life. He who does not have the Son does not have life!”Doctor’s have made their rounds to the words “God wants you to know that you do not have to die in your sins.”

The Greatest Entertainment Launch in History: GTA V has been coming up everywhere lately (actually, it's probably just all the Spotify ads getting on my nerves). I have never played the game myself, but I've heard enough to know that even if I want too, it certainly wouldn't help me in my walk with God. Tim Challies discusses this a bit more in light of our culture.

Sony's World Photography Awards: I love photography, and these shots are incredible. Take a look!

Seems so long ago, Nancy: Here's another post by Tim Challies, I greatly recommend it!

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